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Noela Elvery and Julie Loudon, Australian Missionaries, have primarily been involved in consulting, training and facilitating recording and production of audio programs in various languages. These initially were produced on records, cassettes and CD’s specifically for non readers and are now in the process of being digitised for ongoing use with new technology.

Since 1984 Noela and Julie have worked primarily in Democratic Republic of Congo, Philippines, PNG and Malaysia while also working in other countries by invitation to train and advise on communication techniques for reaching non readers in isolated areas. Each year they lecture on Communication Principles at GLO CrossConnect in Smithton Tasmania.

In addition, since 2002, they have been involved in humanitarian aid for the internally displaced people in North East Democratic Republic of Congo  and provide financial assistance for a Pygmy Project, co-ordinated by the Community and International Development Faculty at Shalom University, Bunia.

Their story has been published in their book called Letters Home’.

"Noela Elvery and Julie Loudon have been teaching Principles of Communication at GLO College of Ministries, formerly GLO Training Centre, for the past twenty-five years. For seven of those years I was the College Principal. Working with and getting to know Noela and Julie, specialists in audio ministries, has greatly enriched my life. I have had the privilege of reading ‘Letters Home’ and have been enthralled as they recounted their amazing experiences and rejoiced at the way God answered prayer in countless difficult situations. This is a book you will want to dip into time and time again."

…….. Keith Cruickshank, Principal, GLO College of Ministries 2007-2013

"Do you want to be encouraged and challenged in your Christian journey? Be absorbed in the adventures documented in ‘Letters Home’ as you see God’s hand move through the lives of Noela and Julie. Often said but no less true … “Eternity will reveal the precious souls drawn to Himself through the dedicated work of these two women”. An inspiring read."
…….. Trevor and Marian Spinks, Smithton, Tasmania

"Noela and Julie have lived lives of adventure. Embracing God’s call and following His leading, they have gone to places and dealt with situations that most of us would find overwhelming. ‘Letters Home’ provides a fascinating history lesson but, more importantly, a lesson in what God can do with yielded hearts. Jesus said, ‘…. Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.’ (Matthew 10:39) This book tells the story of two lives that have been found."
…….. Beryl Boyce, Author of ‘On Eagles’ Wings’

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17

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